Monday, June 1, 2020

10 Anti-Racism Accounts You Should Follow to Stay Informed

There is no excuse for staying silent and uninformed in 2020. Instagram and Twitter are filled with accounts dedicated to keeping you awake and educated, which is now particularly crucial in light of the anti-racism protests sweeping through America and the globe following the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery at the hands of police.

Since Floyd’s death, celebrities have taken to social media to share statements of disgust and action — but celeb responses, of course, are not enough on their own.

Diversifying your feed to include educational content is easier now than ever. Below you’ll find 10 accounts that dedicate their platform to spreading crucial information, empowering messages, and anti-racist content.

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@blackdahliapress 😳This also includes influencers. 😑 Your one posts that center’s your brand message isn’t good enough. One post is never good enough. Be loud. Get angry. 1 post won’t change anything. Decenter yourself, Get actionable.

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A valuable site for community accountability. It focuses on anti-racism and education, aiming to deepen awareness primarily in regards to how your actions “affect the mental health of Black Indigenous People of Color.”

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Black America, you are our sisters and brothers and we will ALWAYS stand with you. Please know that. Sharing some wisdom from the ancestors to carry us onward toward actualizing justice & carrying out the revolution. . “Concerning nonviolence, it is criminal to teach a man not to defend himself when he is the constant victim of brutal attacks.” – Malcolm X . “Anger is better. There is a sense of being in anger. A reality and presence. An awareness of worth. It is a lovely surging” – Toni Morrison . “If you want to understand any problem in America, you need to focus on who profits from that problem, not who suffers from that problem” – Dr. Amos Wilson . “Nobody in the world, nobody in history, has ever gotten their freedom by appealing to the moral sense of the people who were oppressing them” – Assata Shakur . “Freedom is not something that one people can bestow on another as a gift. They claim it as their own and none can keep it from them” – Kwame Nkarumah . “I was going to die, sooner or later, whether or not I had even spoken myself. My silences had not protected me. Your silences will not protect you” – Audre Lorde . “The only thing that white people have that black people need, or should want, is power-and no one holds power forever”. – James Baldwin . “One of the greatest things I fear is letting down my people. I wouldn’t live with that type of conscience, of having let down my people after they’ve been brutalized for so long” – Winnie Mandela . There are at least 60k new people here following us as of the last few days. We want as many people to access the education we curate & conversations we facilitate here. We only ask that those who can afford to put money back into our work, contribute what you can. No matter how big or small. You can send any amount via Venmo: @nowhitesaviors or PayPal.Me/Nowhitesaviors ( – If you send something to compensate us for our work, we love seeing your comments of why you value you what we do or what you’ve learned here! . #NoJusticeNoPeace #WeHaveNothingToLoseButOurChains #GeorgeFloyd #BlackLivesMatter #blackliberation

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“If you’re not uncomfortable, you’re not listening.” No White Saviors is an advocacy campaign lead by a majority African team of professionals based in Uganda. Their collective experience informs their work, which highlights the need (for white people) to listen before speaking; acting and partnering instead of leading.

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Enough is enough. We call for an END to the systemic racism that allows this culture of corruption to go unchecked and our lives to be taken. We call for radical, sustainable solutions that affirms the prosperity of Black lives throughout America. See the demands. Sign the petition. #linkinbio #DefundThePolice #blacklivesmatter 1. We demand acknowledgement and accountability for our pain and injustice 2. We demand divestment in the police force 3. We demand investment in the health and prosperity of our communities

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Black Lives Matter is a global network collecting and building power to bring justice, healing, and freedom to Black people across the globe. The activist movement tirelessly campaigns against violence and systemic racism, regularly holding protests and highlighting broader racial issues including police brutality and racial profiling.

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Ethel’s Club is hosting two free, one hour virtual group healing & grieving sessions open to Black people across the world.⁣ ⁣ Both events will be led by licensed Black therapists to help hold space and process the weight of the many complex emotions that we are feeling and carrying right now.⁣ ⁣ June 9 & June 23rd | 6pm EST⁣ ⁣ Click our bio link to register and join us.

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Ethel’s Club is a social and wellness club that celebrates people of color online and IRL. Next week, they are offering free healing and grieving group sessions for the Black community.

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Dr. Margaret A. Hagerman // “As explicit racism frequents our news and our communities, white parents have concerns about how to raise white kids who are kind, compassionate and, importantly, not racist. The advice they most often receive is simple: talk more to your kids about race and racism. This is certainly important. But I have seen first-hand that it is not enough. White kids learn about race as a result of their own independent experiences — not just conversations. Their lived experience and their interactions with peers, teachers, neighbors, coaches, siblings and strangers matter greatly. The choices parents make about how to set up children’s lives influence their kids’ ideas about race and racism. The neighborhood they live in, the school they attend, and the activities they participate in set the parameters for how kids understand race. And this is true whether parents are consciously aware that these choices matter or not, & regardless of what parents explicitly say about race. Everyday behaviors of white parents also matter: when to lock the car doors, what conversations to have at the dinner table, what books & magazines to have around the house, how to react to news headlines, who to invite over for summer cookouts, whether and how to answer questions posed by kids about race, who parents are friends with themselves, when to roll one’s eyes, what media to consume, how to respond to overtly racist remarks made by Grandpa at a family dinner and where to spend leisure time. (Restaurants, vacation destinations & community events can be deliberately and by-default mostly white — or purposefully not.) Parents may not even be aware that they are conveying ideas about race through these behaviors, but children learn from them all the time. The conversations parents have with their white children about race and racism matter — it’s just that so does everything else parents do. Rather than focusing solely on what they say to kids about race, white parents should think more critically and carefully about how what they do on an everyday basis may actually reproduce the very racist ideas & forms of racial inequality that they say they seek to challenge.“

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The Conscious Kid is an education, research, and policy-focused organization aimed at promoting positive identity development in youth. It’s a great resource for parents looking for tools and advice to approaching everyday racism.

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It’s alright if you have been moved to take your education and action more seriously because of George Floyd’s murder and the resulting protests. Most everyone has a story for where their journey began- the moment they were transformed, radicalized. I just want to encourage you to root your transformation in the full truth of what is happening (and has been happening) in America. This isn’t isolated. This isn’t unique to our generation. This isn’t the result of a few bad apples. This isn’t just a need for reform. America has a white supremacy problem. America has an anti-blackness problem. We must deal with the truth. Don’t minimize it. Don’t hide it. Don’t couch it in poetic language. Let the truth be the truth, so that we (America) stands even a chance at transformation.

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Brown is the author of I’m Still Here: Black Dignity In a World Made For Whiteness. She is committed to speaking out against racial inequality and regularly shares notes on how we can all combat racism in a manner that fosters love and respect.

Bass is a Black female artist who tweets about systematic racism and white power structures. She is best-known for her act of civil disobedience in 2015, which saw her arrested for removing the Confederate flag from the South Carolina state house grounds after the Charleston Shooting in which nine African Americans were killed during a Bible study.

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99 years ago today and tomorrow the #TulsaRaceRiots (massacre) occurred. This is when white people took to the streets to murder black people and burn down their community. In our, “We Choose Fire” session the other night, @theamonyee said — when white people deal with their ancestry, they can’t skip to the ancestors they love, white People have to reconcile the ancestry of 5 days ago, 5 years ago, 58 years ago… and their ancestors from 99 years ago that participated in a government sanctioned (because the govt did not ever make repair for it and there are reports that the government of the United States of America dropped bombs on its black citizens and never made repair for that either). You can’t skip those ancestors… . You also can’t just say, “I’m an ally.” There is a healing and reconciling that has to happen in you and in your bloodline before you give birth to or raise little violent ancestors that continue the legacy of a white Supremacist world… . Tonight Thea Monyee and I will go LIVE to talk about the significance of 99 years since this race riot, more on fire, specific messaging for white people, and moving beyond allyship into something that isn’t just antipolice brutality but actively pro black in your lived ethic and practice. Set and alarm and join us HERE! #ShapingTheShift #TheFreePeopleProject

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Janice’s work is community-centric with a focus on Black women, specializing on body ownership, and hip-hop as a tool for sociopolitical and spiritual movement making. Her research “The Free People Project” is entirely dedicated to issues pertaining to blackness, women-ness, and spirituality.

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Tips on how to be prepared for an action if you choose to be in the street. Collectivized from @frontlinemedics and @ggjalliance! #justiceforgeorgefloyd #justiceforbreonnataylor

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Equality Labs is dedicated to ending gender-based violence, white supremacy, and religious intolerance. It is a South Asian tech organization that offers support for cultural minorities; its Instagram account is full of workshops, information regarding surveillance, and ways you can help support grassroots groups.

Queer author Hayes leads action workshops with a focus on transformative justice. Her social account is full of important information for organizers and protesters alike, in addition to sharing educational resources.

Sign the petition to demand justice for George Floyd and join us in taking a stance against institutionalized racism. For more information on tackling racism and bigotry in America, head here. 

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By: Heather Snowden
Title: 10 Anti-Racism Accounts You Should Follow to Stay Informed
Sourced From:
Published Date: Mon, 01 Jun 2020 12:01:25 +0000

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The post 10 Anti-Racism Accounts You Should Follow to Stay Informed appeared first on MansBrand.



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