Thursday, July 6, 2023


I learned early on in my studies how to keep my body healthy in every way through consistency of hydration, organic foods, and proper vitamin and mineral levels. As a result, I have not been sick, not even a cold, since 1989.

Nearly 20 years ago, I adopted the name REMEDY as a brand name. It was an idea that was inspired by a dream to create a fitness and nutrition center free from the many superficial poisons that exist in the fitness industry. It began with the co-founding of Remedy Fitness with my family, and later grew into an instructional nutrition book which I titled Remedy Recipes, a motivational book which I titled Remedy Reflections, and an interactive fitness and nutrition website which we called Remedy Results.

I have always done ample research in the field of nutrition over the course of my now 30-year career in the field (June 2023 marks 30 years in the fitness and nutrition industry for me). The study of nutrition helps us to understand the requirements of the body regarding nutrients and how they affect our health, our cellular repair, our energy, our capacity for building muscle, and the homeostasis of all of our body’s individual systems (endocrine, nervous, digestive, etc.) In addition to learning about the fitness-related aspects of nutrition, I was always very focused on the healing of the body, and how particular vitamins, minerals, and nutrients could keep one in a perpetual state of good health. I learned early on in my studies how to keep my body healthy in every way through consistency of hydration, organic foods, and proper vitamin and mineral levels. As a result, I have not been sick, not even a cold, since 1989.

Medications for Monetary Gain

Through my studies and research, I began to realize a very significant pattern in our society regarding medications, the general medical community, the pharmaceutical industry and the relation between illness/disease and this growing medicated society. I quickly realized that for monetary gain, the industry did not seek to cure, but rather to keep patients in an imbalanced state in which medication would be required. I believe we witnessed the climax of this in the last three years. Furthermore, beyond the manufacturing of medications, when one connects the dots between the pharmaceutical industry and the food industry (the GMOs, genetically modified foods in particular), one sees the removal of specific nutrients such as iodine, and the replacement with specific halogens (fluorine, chlorine, and bromine), which are toxic to our system – our endocrine system in particular. These specific subtractions and additions in the food supply cause a disruption to the homeostasis of our bodies. The systematic removal of iodine from our diet has caused numerous glandular diseases, especially in the thyroid gland, and in the ovaries of women and the prostates of men. What has been the result of suppressing iodine from our diet and our iodine receptors? More medical treatments, more medications sold.

Tampering With Glandular Function

Another example of the tampering our glandular function is the insertion of fluoride into both our water supply and our dental hygiene products. Fluoride specifically calcifies our pineal gland. The pineal gland is our source of melatonin and plays a direct role in the regulation of our circadian rhythm, which is the 24-hour cycle of biological activities associated with day and night, or light and darkness. Changes in this rhythm can result in severe learning disabilities and disorders such as cognitive dissonance in human beings. The pineal gland is also considered to be the connection to God in many cultures. So, in turn, the calcification of the pineal gland appears to be a blocking of not only our mental potential, but quite possibly our spiritual potential.

Parasites in the Body

Another misguided area of health relates to the effects of parasites in the body and their propensity for replication. I am a firm believer that diseases such as cancer and viruses are actually parasitic in nature and are not naturally occurring in our bodies as some theories might suggest. Most of the medical community promotes an idea that we have dormant cancer cells existing in our bodies at birth. I disagree and consider the possibility that it derives from outside sources and may be caused either by exposure to toxins and chemicals, genetically modified foods, synthetic pharmaceuticals, or rigorous childhood vaccination schedules as a delivery system. All one must do to see this possible connection is to view the charts of the cancer rates as it relates to the introduction of vaccination schedules. One of the reasons that I do not get sick is because I do not take any synthetic medicine, not even aspirin. I am diligent with my vitamin-mineral regimen, and I believe that there is a natural remedy for each disease. I am not a doctor, but I am an example to others in that I firmly practice what I preach, and I have the record of great health to prove it. I could continue for hours about individual causes of disease and illness in the body, but rather, I would like to focus on the solutions and the natural remedies. Below are some very basic and natural remedies covering the topics of disease that I mentioned in the above paragraphs:

IODINE: Good sources of iodine which are still readily available to us are iodized salt, seaweed and kelp, and liquid or tablet organic iodine supplements for the best absorption.

Daily recommendation:

• For preventative: 1,500-2,000 mcg organic liquid iodine drops

• For active thyroid dysfunction: 3,000 mcg organic liquid iodine drops


DECALCIFICATION OF THE PINEAL GLAND: Switch to a non-fluoride toothpaste.

Daily recommendation:

• 1 teaspoon of baking soda mixed in 8 ounces of water daily – swallow 3 sips and use the remainder as a mouthwash for the gums and tongue. This aids in the decalcification of the pineal gland, and it also creates an alkaline environment in the body in which parasites and cancer cannot thrive.


PARASITES (this includes what the medical community has referred to as “cancer” and “viruses,” which I personally consider to be replicating parasites).

Daily recommendation:

For preventative:

• 1 teaspoon of Black Seed Oil daily with breakfast (also called Black Cumin Seed Oil).

• 1 teaspoon of baking soda mixed in 8 ounces of water daily, just before bed – swallow 3 sips and use the remainder as a mouthwash for the gums and tongue, which creates an alkaline environment in the body in which parasites and cancer cannot thrive.

• NAC (N-acetyl-L-cysteine) 600 mg daily with breakfast (blocks the replication of spike proteins).

• 7 oz. of non-GMO tonic water with zinc tablet one day per week. (Women: 22-25 mg of zinc, Men: 50 mg zinc). Tablet form is for best absorption.

For active illness/disease:

• 1 tablespoon of Black Seed Oil daily with breakfast (also called Black Cumin Seed Oil)

• 1 teaspoon of baking soda mixed in 8 ounces of water daily, just before bed – swallow 3 sips and use the remainder as a mouthwash for the gums and tongue, which creates an alkaline environment in the body in which parasites and cancer cannot thrive.

• NAC (N-acetyl-L-cysteine) 600 mg daily with breakfast (blocks the replication of spike proteins).

• 7 oz. of non-GMO tonic water with zinc tablet one day per week. (Women: 22-25 mg of zinc, Men: 50 mg zinc). Tablet form is best for absorption.

Inexpensive, Natural Remedies

Many will disagree with my analysis of what the medical community has referred to as “cancer” and “viruses.” My personal and professional belief is that both are replicating parasites, and the argument can be made that enough evidence now exists that displays the successful effects of antiparasitics, such as ivermectin and Black Seed Oil, on both cancer and viruses. However, I also believe that much has been done to suppress these inexpensive, natural remedy treatments in the name of monetary gain and control of an industry. The last three years has given us all the proof we need of that.

On a more positive note, advances in even better therapies such as frequency healing are on the horizon. We should all look forward to future breakthroughs which can and will free our current medicated society from the grip of the pharmaceutical industry. I am hopeful for that future.

The post NATURAL REMEDIES: appeared first on FitnessRX for Men.

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By: John M. DiFazio II
Sourced From:
Published Date: Thu, 06 Jul 2023 23:25:36 +0000

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